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» Skuas, Guls, Terns, Waders, Auks
Skuas, Guls, Terns
Black-headed Gull
Common Gull
Common Tern
Arctic Skua
Bird species of the section from
African Skimmer - Arctic Skua - Arctic tern - Black Skimmer - Black Tern - Black-headed Gull - Black-legged Kitiwake - California Gull - Common Gull - Common Gull - Common Tern - Geat Crested Tern - Glaucous-winged Gull - Great Blackback - Great Skua - Gull-billed Tern - Herring Gull - Laughing Gull - Lesser Black-backed Gull - Little Tern - Ring-billed Gull - Roseate Tern - Royal Tern - Sandwich Tern - Slender-billed Gull - Slender-billed Gull - Sooty Gull - Swallow-tailed Gull - Whiskered Tern - Yellow-legged Gull
Waders, Auks
Little Ringed Plover
Black-tailed Godwit
Bird species of the section from
African Jacana - Black bellied Plover - Black oystercatcher - Black-tailed Godwit - Black-winged Stilt - Blackshmith Lapwing - Candelero Mexicano - Common Oystercatcher - Common Sandpiper - Curlew - Dunlin - Eurasian Avocet - Golden Plover - Great Stone Plover - Greater Yellowlegs - Green Sandpiper - Greenshank - Killdeer - Lapwig - Least Sandpiper - Little Ringed Plover - Little Stint - Long-toed Lapwing - Marsh Sandpiper - Masked Lapwing - Northern Jacana - Pheasant-tailed Jacana - Purple Sandpiper - Red-necked Phalarope - Red-wattled Lapwing - Redshank - Ringed Plover - Ruddy Turnstone - Sanderling - Semipalmated Plover - Snipe - Snowy Plover - Sociable Lapwing - Solitary Sandpiper - Spotted Redshank - Spur-winged Plover - Stone-curlew - Three-banded Plover - Water Thick-knee - Wattled Plover - Whimbrel - Wood Sandpiper - Woodcock
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